The relay and safety locks The majority of consumers of the electric power of the car is protected by fuses. Separate components of system of illumination, except for lanterns of a signal of braking, are protected by electronic relays. At course of too strong current electronic interruption of an electric chain of the protected components is made. Through short time the electric chain automatically again becomes isolated at repeated occurrence of malfunction an electric chain again interrupts. Apply fuses with demanded face value of a current strength. Fused fuses do not repair and do not shunt a crosspiece. Establish the reason перегорания. Relay replacement
Replacement of safety locks
For protection of wires of an electric equipment and consumers from damage at short circuit and an overload electric chains have safety locks.
- Before safety lock replacement ignition and all consumers is necessary to switch off necessarily.
- Safety locks are in blocks of safety locks on the left side of the panel of devices, behind a cover (address to an illustration in Specifications).
- Open a cover for what insert a screw-driver the flat party from below behind a cover (arrow) and wring out a cover.
- The arrangement of safety locks is presented on an underside of a cover of the block of safety locks.
The arrangement of safety locks depends on the equipment and year of release of the car. Besides, there also there is кривошипная a handle for emergency closing of the shifted panel of a roof. |
At repeated перегорании a safety lock check up electric equipment chains. |