- The direction of a stream of jets can be adjusted by means of the special tool 3125A or HAZET 4850-1. For this purpose insert into a jet оправку and put on glass a label.
Do not apply in quality оправки a needle since in this case it is possible to damage water channels of jets. |
- With felt-tip pen mark on a windscreen of 4 points to which the water stream should get.
The resulted adjusting sizes are established from an external edge of glass and represent anticipatory values for the moving car, i.e. in a motionless condition jets give a stream a little displaced upward. |
- If the stream is not regulated or is non-uniform, it is necessary to replace a jet.
- If it is necessary, remove a jet for its clearing and blow compressed air through the union for a hose.
Do not blow a jet against a liquid direction. |